Mandate & Governance

CAO's independence and impartiality are essential to fostering the trust and confidence of stakeholders involved in complaint processes. CAO is not identified with, or beholden to, any sector of interest, and reports directly to the IFC and MIGA Boards.

Mandate and Governance

Mission & Mandate

CAO regularly receives independent reviews assessing its effectiveness. The most recent review— the External Review of IFC and MIGA's Environmental and Social Accountability, including CAO's Role and Effectiveness—was conducted by an independent group of experts between 2019 to 2020.

Policies & Guidelines



Under CAO's governance structure, the CAO Director General reports directly to the IFC and MIGA Boards. CAO's three functions and CAO staff report to the CAO Director General All CAO case reports are circulated to the Board, IFC/MIGA, complainants, client and disclosed to the public. CAO provides a quarterly and annual update of its activities to the Board's Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE), and conducts periodic technical briefings to supplement this information. CAO's budget is submitted by the Board annually. CAO publishes an Annual Report at the end of each Fiscal Year which is disclosed publicly.

External Reviews

CAO regularly receives independent reviews assessing its effectiveness. The most recent review— the External Review of IFC and MIGA's Environmental and Social Accountability, including CAO's Role and Effectiveness—was conducted by an independent group of experts between 2019 to 2020Our mandate, core principles and functions are articulated in CAO's Policy.

Policies & Guidelines

Our mandate, core principles and functions are articulated in CAO's Policy.

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