Jordan: Masdar Baynouna-01/East Amman

Date Filed
11 Feb 2020

Case Tracker

Dispute Resolution
Dispute Resolution
September 09, 2020-February 08, 2022
February 11, 2022-May 10, 2022
Status as of June 01, 2022
September 09, 2020-February 08, 2022

Complaint Overview


Community member


Environmental & social management, stakeholder engagement and redress, livelihood, employment

Cross-Cutting Issues
Risk Management Community Health and Safety Coercion

Project Information

Middle East
Name & Number
Masdar Jordan 39339
Baynouna Solar Energy Company

US$97.25 million A and B loans


Project Overview

According to IFC, Baynouna Solar Energy Company (the Company) is mandated to develop, finance, construct, operate and maintain a greenfield renewable project in Jordan with a capacity of 200MWac, approximately 242 MWp solar photovoltaic (PV) plant 30km southeast of Amman, Jordan (the Project). The Company signed a Power Purchase Agreement to sell all electricity generated by the PV plant, with the Jordanian National Electric Power Company (NEPCO) for a 20 year period. IFC’s investment consists of senior A and B loans of up to US$97.25 million to the Company to support the development, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of the Baynouna PV plant. Baynouna’s majority shareholder is renewable energy company Masdar, which holds 70% interest in the company.


In February 2020, CAO received a complaint from a local community member in East Amman, Jordan, regarding IFC’s investment in the Project. The complaint raises a wide range of environmental and social concerns in relation to the Project, including how the Company carried out and implemented the stakeholder engagement plan (SEP), the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), and the Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS). Additional issues raised in the complaint relate to the Company’s failure to set up an effective project-level grievance mechanism, to appoint a “Community Liaison Officer” selected by the community members, and to provide employment opportunities and livelihood restoration to the local community.


CAO found the complaint eligible in March 2020 and began an assessment of the complaint. During the assessment, the Complainants and the Company agreed to engage in a voluntary dialogue process to try and resolve the dispute. CAO’s assessment report is available in English and Arabic under the assessment section in the "Case Documents" section below this page. 

Despite the efforts of all parties involved to resolve the issues raised in this complaint, a final agreement was not reached. In February 2022, CAO released a conclusion report and transferred the case to Compliance. The conclusion report is available in Arabic and English under the Dispute Resolution section of the "Case Documents" section below this page. 

A compliance appraisal process was completed under the CAO Policy and the report was finalized on May 10, 2022. Following the CAO Policy, IFC management may request that the Board of IFC review CAO’s decision to investigate within 10 business days from the date the appraisal report is circulated, which was May 12, 2022. The terms of reference for the investigation has been released.

CAO has determined that a compliance investigation is warranted regarding the issues raised in the complaint, particularly concerning land-based livelihoods and access to land and natural resources, amongst other issues. A summary of the analysis related to each issue is available in English and Arabic, in the appraisal reports accessible via the “Case Documents” section below this page.




A compliance investigation is in process. The Terms of Reference for the investigation in English and Arabic and a communique about the case are available under the "Case Documents" section below. 

Status as of February 5, 2023

Case Documents

  • Complaint
    Complaint Jordan: Masdar Baynouna-01
    Feb 01, 2020
    Complaint Jordan: Masdar Baynouna-01
    Assessment Report(s)
    CAO Assessment Report Jordan
    Aug 01, 2020
    CAO Assessment Report Jordan
    CAO Assessment Report Jordan
    Aug 01, 2020
    CAO Assessment Report Jordan
    IFC Formal Response - Jordan
    Aug 01, 2020
    IFC Formal Response - Jordan
  • Conclusion Report
    DR Conclusion Report - Jordan Masdar
    Feb 11, 2022
    DR Conclusion Report - Jordan Masdar
    تقرير ختامي لحل النزاعا ت فيما يتعل ق باستثمار مؤسس ة التمويل الدولية IFC ف يشركة مصدر/ بينونة للطاق ة الشمسية ف ي الأرد ن
    Feb 11, 2022
    تقرير ختامي لحل النزاعا ت فيما يتعل ق باستثمار مؤسس ة التمويل الدولية IFC ف يشركة مصدر/ بينونة للطاق ة الشمسية ف ي الأرد ن
  • Compliance

    Appraisal Reports
    Compliance Appraisal Report - Masdar Baynouna-01
    May 31, 2022
    Compliance Appraisal Report - Masdar Baynouna-01
    تقییم الامتثال لشكوى بخصوص استثمار مؤسسة التمویل الدولیة في محطة بینونة للطاقة_مايو 2022_Arabic_عربى.pdf
    May 31, 2022
    تقییم الامتثال لشكوى بخصوص استثمار مؤسسة التمویل الدولیة في محطة بینونة للطاقة_مايو 2022_Arabic_عربى.pdf
    Terms of Reference
    Terms of Reference - Compliance Investigation - Jordan: Masdar Baynouna
    May 31, 2022
    Arabic - عربى
    Terms of Reference - Compliance Investigation - Jordan: Masdar Baynouna
    Terms of Reference - Compliance Investigation - Jordan: Masdar Baynouna
    May 31, 2022
    Terms of Reference - Compliance Investigation - Jordan: Masdar Baynouna
    Compliance Investigation Concerning IFC’s E&S Performance Related to the Baynouna Solar Power Project in Jordan
    Feb 05, 2023
    Compliance Investigation Concerning IFC’s E&S Performance Related to the Baynouna Solar Power Project in Jordan
    Compliance Investigation Concerning IFC’s E&S Performance Related to the Baynouna Solar Power Project in Jordan
    Feb 05, 2023
    Arabic - اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ
    Compliance Investigation Concerning IFC’s E&S Performance Related to the Baynouna Solar Power Project in Jordan
  • Mailchimp Survey


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