
CAO Participates in Learning Session with Dutch Public and Commercial Banks

14 Mar 2018

March 14, 2018 – CAO participated in a learning session with Dutch public and commercial banks in Amsterdam March 12-13, 2018, on due diligence, effective remedy, and multi-stakeholder initiatives. The session was convened by the Dutch Banking Association, and brought together IAM heads, Dutch public and commercial banks, international and local CSOs, Dutch government, and the Dutch Social Economic Council. The purpose of the learning session was to share insights with the Dutch banks as they work to implement the Dutch Banking Sector Agreement on international responsible business conduct regarding human rights. As one of the session’s guest speakers, CAO Vice President, Osvaldo L. Gratacós, facilitated a discussion on the management of environmental and social risks and Environmental and Social Management Systems (ESMS), sharing lessons from CAO’s work. While in Amsterdam, CAO also met with European CSOs.

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