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25 Jan 2022 Advisory

CAO in Numbers

This report presents facts and trends from over 20 years of CAO’s work in 58 countries. We look at the complaints we have received, how they were handled, and the outcomes realized through CAO...

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CAO in Numbers
CAO in Numbers Advisory
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25 Jan 2022 Impact & data

CAO in Numbers

As the office of the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) begins a new chapter—one marked by the adoption of a new policy governing our work—we conducted an in-depth review of our cases since our...

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CAO in Numbers
CAO in Numbers Impact & data
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27 Dec 2021 News

Assessment of Sugar Refining Project in Yemen Completed

In November, CAO completed the assessment of a complaint from Yemen regarding IFC’s investment in Hayel Saaed Anam (HSA) Group’s food processing operations and the case has been referred to CAO’s...

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