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17 Sep 2021 Europe & Central Asia Outreach

Enhancing Outreach to Civil Society Organizations in Turkey

From Sept. 14 – 15, CAO co-organized an outreach with civil society organizations in Turkey. Some 20 Turkish Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)—including research centers, advocacy groups, and...

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Turkey Outreach Speakers
Turkey Outreach Speakers Outreach
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02 Aug 2021 News

New CAO Policy Now Available in 8 Languages

The 2021 CAO Policy is now available in 8 languages: English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

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13 Jul 2021 CAO News

Transitional Arrangements for CAO Cases

Implementation of the new CAO Policy includes transitional arrangements for ongoing CAO cases. Cases received after July 1, 2021 will be processed under the new policy. Cases received prior to July 1...

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CAO Policy
CAO Policy News
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04 Jun 2021 East Asia & the Pacific Outreach

Engaging Civil Society and Local Organizations in Vietnam

From June 1 - 2, the CAO organized an outreach webinar with civil society organizations in Vietnam. The event was co-hosted by the Inspection Panel and the Project-affected People’s Mechanism of the...

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CSOs in Vietnam
CSOs in Vietnam Outreach
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