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17 Mar 2023 News

Honoring the Life of a CAO Mediator


CAO would like to remember and honor the work and life of Dr. Mariama Conteh, who sadly passed away on February 23, 2023, on Gorée Island, Senegal.

Mariama worked with CAO as a mediator on dispute...

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Dr. Mariama Conteh - Photo
Dr. Mariama Conteh - Photo News
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02 Mar 2023 News

CAO Releases Statement on IFC/MIGA Consultation Draft Approach to Remedial Action

WASHINGTON, Mar. 2, 2023—CAO has issued a statement on IFC/MIGA’s proposed Approach to Remedial Action. The approach is expected to guide IFC/MIGA’s process in addressing issues of harm and improving...

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08 Feb 2023 Outreach

Quarterly Engagement with Civil Society: CAO’s Advisory Work

In February, CAO hosted a roundtable for civil society organizations (CSOs) focused on its advisory work related to remedy and responsible exit. The hybrid session, which participants joined in-person...

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CSO Roundtable
CSO Roundtable Outreach
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07 Feb 2023 News

Strengthening Capacity for Dispute Resolution Across Francophone Africa

CAO executed a three-day workshop for mediators throughout Africa from Jan. 31 to Feb. 2, 2023, in Grand-Bassam, Côte d’Ivoire. The workshop brought together mediators with experience across the...

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CAO 2023 Mediator Workshop
CAO 2023 Mediator Workshop News
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07 Feb 2023 News

Renforcer les capacités en résolution des différends en Afrique francophone

Le CAO a convié des médiateurs originaires d'Afrique francophone à un atelier de trois jours, du 31 janvier au 2 février 2023, à Grand-Bassam, en Côte d'Ivoire. L'atelier, qui a été organisé en...

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Un atelier organisé en 2023 pour médiateurs exploite l'expertise de médiateurs africains pour un meilleur impact
Un atelier organisé en 2023 pour médiateurs exploite l'expertise de médiateurs africains pour un meilleur impact News
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06 Feb 2023 Advisory

Responsible Exit

CAO’s report on Responsible Exit highlights findings from a landscape study that explored how a range of actors frame and approach responsible exit. Study participants included development finance...

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Responsible Exit Cover
Responsible Exit Cover Advisory
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