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23 Oct 2018 Middle East & North Africa Conference

Kenya: CAO Convenes Video Conference with Civil Society Organizations as Part of Africa Outreach Initiative

October 23, 2018 - CAO held a video conference with civil society organizations in Nairobi, Kenya on October 4, 2018 as part of its outreach efforts in the Africa region. The video conference included...

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Civil society representatives connecting from Nairobi, Kenya raise questions for CAO during the video conference, October 2018.
Civil society representatives connecting from Nairobi, Kenya raise questions for CAO during the video conference, October 2018. Conference
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15 Oct 2018 Conference

CAO Participates in 2018 World Bank Group Annual Meetings in Bali

October 15, 2018 - CAO attended the World Bank Group Annual Meetings in Bali, October 8-14, 2018. During the Meetings, CAO hosted an outreach event on October 8 for Indonesian civil society...

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01 Oct 2018 General

CAO 2018 Annual Report

Our Annual Report for the fiscal year 2018 features outcomes from our dispute resolution, compliance, advisory, and outreach activities. Learn about our casework in 32 countries, and explore...

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CAO 2018 Annual Report
CAO 2018 Annual Report General
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11 Jul 2018 Advisory

CAO Advisory Memos on Supply Chain Business Opportunities and Risks

CAO Advisory Comments on IFC Draft Good Practice Handbook on Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement

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Supply Chain Business Opportunities and Risks
Supply Chain Business Opportunities and Risks Advisory
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