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08 May 2023 South Asia Conference

CAO Participation During the International Association for Impact Assessment IAIA23

In May 2023, CAO participated in a panel session during the annual meeting of the International Association for Impact Assessment #IAIA23 in Kuching, Malaysia. The panel included representatives from...

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IAIA23 Conference
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18 Apr 2023 Advisory

CAO Comments on Draft for Public Consultation: IFC/MIGA Approach to Remedial Action

This submission draws on CAO’s case experience, as well as additional context, to present observations and recommendations aimed at strengthening the draft IFC/MIGA Approach to Remedial Action.


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Comments on Draft Cover
Comments on Draft Cover Advisory
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18 Apr 2023 Advisory

CAO Resources on Remedy

CAO’s advisory notes on remedy and responsible exit seek to inform the development of IFC/MIGA’s Approach to Remedial Action. These notes share insights on facilitating remedial action to address...

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Remedy Cover
Remedy Cover Advisory
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12 Apr 2023 Advisory

Insights on Remedy: The Remedy Gap

This CAO Advisory Note is part of a series that seeks to inform IFC and MIGA’s approach to remedial action to address potential or actual harm that may unintentionally arise in the development process...

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Remedy Gap Cover
Remedy Gap Cover Advisory
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23 Mar 2023 Press release

CAO Cases Regarding IFC’s Investment in Bridge International Academies in Kenya


CAO Cases Regarding IFC’s Investment in Bridge International Academies in Kenya

Washington, DC, March 23, 2023 – The Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO), the independent accountability...

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Press release
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